The services listed below may be accessed individually or combined as part of a tailor-made package for clients.
- Africa Strategy Briefings and Advisory
- Reports on Doing Business in Africa
- Business Facilitation
- Nigeria Advisory
- Africa Conference Rapporteur
Africa Strategy Briefings and Advisory
Bespoke briefings on the state of Africa to give clients insights into doing business on the continent and to inform their Africa strategy planning. These are tailored to client needs but typically include an examination of:
- Africa’s business evolution
- High-growth economies
- New business, economic and consumer trends
- Key challenges and common pitfalls
- The changing nature of risk and competition
- Business culture in different markets
- The growing African private sector
- Logistics challenges and regional integration
- Growth sectors and countries
- Security issues
These may be in the form of a presentation to staff/clients followed by an interactive session or participation in an in house strategy session to brainstorm ideas, allowing for targeted input into a company’s deliberation and construction of an Africa strategy
We are also available to speak at clients’ conferences and events
Reports on Doing Business in Africa
Africa @ Work compiles reports, articles and regular updates for companies, academic institutions and other clients looking at the broad picture as well as specific aspects of business and investment in Africa. This takes the form of published reports for general distribution and for sale, risk analysis of specific companies, countries or sectors for clients and any other related research.
Information is tailored to the client’s specific interests but would typically include Africa political and economic updates as required – continental/regional/country or sector specific - as well travel advice, cultural considerations, market competitors, infrastructure developments, logistics issues and other information designed to provide clients with the tools to do business in Africa more effectively.
This may be coupled with regular Africa Strategy Briefings.
Business Facilitation
Dianna Games with Nigerian Stock Exchange CEO, Oscar Onyema; a site visit to the Eko Atlantic land recolmation site in Lagos; and, exploring Nigeria's consumer markets on a recent business facilitation trip to Lagos.
Africa @ Work assists business people and potential investors to visit selected African countries. The offering includes setting up meetings with targeted people, organising on-the-ground logistics and travelling with the client/s to the countries. This may be combined with advisory briefings and reports on the countries of interest.
Such visits can also be facilitated in South Africa itself for clients from other African countries, including the organisation of executive or company retreats.
Nigeria Advisory
Given the specialist knowledge and networks that Africa @ Work has of Nigeria, Africa’s biggest but one of its most complex countries, we offer a specific client service for this market. This includes:
- Briefings on understanding the Nigerian market
- Introductions to key business people
- Research into specific sectors and companies
- Organisation of fact-finding visits to Nigerian commercial centres
- Accompanying companies on the above visits
- Regular updates of economic and political developments, challenges and trends
- Any other services where feasible
We will cover your Africa events and record the proceedings either as a summary of sessions or the full programme as a report to be delivered after the event. Formatting and style is up to the client. We bring Africa-specific knowledge and expertise to the work.